Gemini Rising (Tensnake & Fiora)

Gemini Rising (Tensnake & Fiora)

German producer Marco Niemerski, aka Tensnake, has started a new side-project with frequent vocal collaborator Fiora and producer Lester Mendez called Gemini Rising.

The trio met in LA and felt instant chemistry, bonding over their love for ’80s synth pop. Over a 12 month period split between Berlin and Los Angeles they created a full album that can be best described as retro-futuristic pop music. The emotive synth-pop songwriting combined with an updated production vision on ’80s new wave reminds you of something familiar while introducing you to something infectious and fresh at the same time.

Their debut self-titled EP, a four-tracker of analogue synth goodness, is the perfect introduction to Gemini Rising’s style. Stream the whole thing below.

Gemini Rising’s debut EP is out now. Get it here.


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