Chaos In The CBD: “False Awakening”

Chaos In The CBD: “False Awakening”

London-based sibling duo Chaos In The CBD are back with their second offering on their newly minted imprint, In Dust We Trust. This time round, they got their label partner Jon Sable along for the ride. On side-A, the eight-minute “False Awakening” by Chaos In The CBD attacks your brain with open, spacious pads and synthesised melodies that float on top of a dark and hypnotic percussive groove. On the flip side, we have Jon Sable’s “Scumbag Unity”, a loose dreamy track with dubbed-out pads and vocals that glide between a drum machine groove. Enjoy the ride.

The “False Awakening / Scumbag Unity” 12” arrives on July 28.

Pre-order it here.


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