Los Amigos Invisibles: “Stay (Ray Mang’s Disco Instrumental)”

Los Amigos Invisibles: “Stay (Ray Mang’s Disco Instrumental)”

Apersonal Music’s latest release comes in the form of a new 12” featiring two Latin-flavoured jams “Stay” and “Rio Porque No Fue Un Sueno” by Venezuelan six-piece combo Los Amigos Invisibles, bakeced with a pair of instrumental remixes of the original versions by UK disco don Ray Mang. Let’s take a sunny ride eith Ray Mang’s sublime disco version of “Stay” that sounds ideal as the days get longer and brighter. Enjoy the ride.

The “Stay/Río Porque No Fue Un Sueño” 12” is out now on Apersonal Music.

Pick up your 12” here.


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