A Track A Day: Modular Project

A Track A Day: Modular Project

With the current circumstances and the weird, turbulent times all over the globe, we asked our friends to choose a favourite track or an album for these isolated days, and share it with us along with a photo. A track a day keeps the bad vibes away. Stay safe.

Next in line on our “A Track A Day” series is Milan’s Modular Project, the prolific duo of Alberto Iovine and Alessandro Fumagalli. Our beloved eclectic pair share with us one of their favourite records, Herbie Hancock’s classic “Head Hunters” from 1973.

In Modular Project’s own words: “In addition to our passion for Italo-disco and new wave, we deeply love jazz. This Herbie Hancock album influenced us a lot. It still sounds fresh and vital for our productive cycle and sometimes we’ve use to listen to it in the studio finding great inspiration. We love the main song ‘Chameleon’, with its 12-note bassline and the use of guitar as melody-percussion, blowing our minds.”


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