Bell Towers shares a favourite track

Bell Towers shares a favourite track

A track a day keeps the bad vibes away.

With the current circumstances and the weird, turbulent times all over the globe, we asked our friends to choose a favourite album or a track for these isolated days, and share it with us along with a photo. An album a day keeps the bad vibes away. Stay safe.

Today we welcome our beloved Rohan Bell-Towers, the Melbourne-born, Berlin-based DJ and producer who records simply as Bell Towers. Let’s take a deep dive into an “Ocean Of Tenderness”, a track from Ashra’s 1977 LP “New Age Of Earth”, one of Bell Towers’ favourite records.

“‘Ocean Of Tenderness’ always puts me in a good place. Deep, pulsating and very smooth… “Breathe in, breathe out”… perfect for putting on when you get home from a rave, making out, or the soundtrack for blankly gazing out a window waiting for all this to end. Music for all seasons (and galaxies). I have owned this record for around 15 years and often find myself returning it.”


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