Leno Lovecraft EP #1

Leno Lovecraft EP #1

Our new Gasolini (aka artist to watch) is Leno Lovecraft. Leno is from New Zealand, and now lives in Paris. His debut 6-track EP will be released on April 25th on Parisian label Maman and takes influences from 80s, funk and Italo-Disco. The standout track “Princess” is already supported by Tensnake, The Magician and Mustang. Preview the full release here and join him on his Utopian escapade.

Princess by Maman_Records

Bonus: You can download the unreleased track “Passionate Fantasia” below:

[audio: http://lastgasstation.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/passsionate-fantasia.mp3|leftbg=0xff022f|rightbg=0x00ff01|lefticon=FFFFFF|righticon=0xFFFFFF|loader=0xFFFFFF|border=0x00ff01]Leno Lovecraft: “Passionate Fantasia” [mp3]


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