Julio Bashmore x Classixx

Julio Bashmore x Classixx

We already featured Yacht’s remix of Classixx’s latest single “Into The Valley”, featuring the soulful vocals of Brooklyn Gospel singer Karl Dixon, and now here’s Julio Bashmore’s amazing remix of the track. This is huge. Play it loud!

[audio: http://lastgasstation.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/into-the-valley-feat-karl-dixon-julio-bashmore-remix.mp3|leftbg=0xff022f|rightbg=0x00ff01|lefticon=FFFFFF|righticon=0xFFFFFF|loader=0xFFFFFF|border=0x00ff01]Classixx: “Into the Valley” (feat. Karl Dixon) (Julio Bashmore Remix) [mp3]

mp3: Classixx: “Into The Valley”.


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