Idjut Boys: “Lovehunter Dub”

Idjut Boys: “Lovehunter Dub”

London’s Idjut Boys, the dub-loving duo of Dan Tyler and Conrad McDonnell, have a new album on the way, called “Versions”. The seven-track record is a collection of some of the pair’s standout dub versions over the course of the last few years, pulled from hundreds of hours of music stuck in their dusty vaults. Our first taste from that album comes in the form of a perfectly crafted duo version of their track “Love Hunter”, which was first appeared on Idjut Boys’ excellent debut album “Cellar Door”, released all the way back in 2012.

The “Versions” LP will drop on August 28 via Smalltown Supersound. Pre-order it here.

Idjut Boys: “One For Kenny”


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