Moscoman shares a favourite track

Moscoman shares a favourite track

A track a day keeps the bad vibes away.

With the current circumstances and the weird, turbulent times all over the globe, we asked our friends to choose a favourite album or a track for these isolated days, and share it with us along with a photo. An album a day keeps the bad vibes away. Stay safe.

Today our beloved Berlin-based producer Chen Moscovici, aka Moscoman, shares with us one of his favorite records to listen during the isolation, John Coltrane’s timeless masterpiece “Giant Steps”.

“I love ‘Giant Steps’ album and especially the title tune because it follows alternating modulations of major third and augmented fifth intervals. I love listening to it because I could never do something like this. I don’t have the brain capacity for it or 5% of his talent and it reminds me that there are always things bigger than me and us and powers beyond our control, so just go with the flow.”


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