Faker x CSS

Faker x CSS

[audio: http://lastgasstation.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/dangerous-css-remix.mp3|leftbg=0xff022f|rightbg=0x00ff01|lefticon=FFFFFF|righticon=0xFFFFFF|loader=0xFFFFFF|border=0x00ff01]Faker: “Dangerous” [CSS Remix] [mp3]

Brazilian party kids CSS remixes Sydney’s Faker new single “Dangerous”, making it sound so very Cure-esque. The single drops on June 17th.

In other news, CSS are ready to drop their new album “La Liberación” on August 29th via V2/Cooperative/Downtown. The record includes collaborations with Ratatat and Primal Scream’s Bobby Gillespie.


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